Baby Skin Care

by Jon West January 11, 2016

Baby Skin Care

Diaper Rash

Babies need constant care and affection. New parents want nothing more than their new edition to be happy and healthy. Almost all parents will have to deal with one of the common baby skin conditions. You start to change your baby's diaper, and there it is - a patchwork of bright red skin on your baby's bottom. Don't panic. What you're seeing is most likely diaper rash, a common form of inflamed skin (dermatitis).

Moisture, chafing and acid presence in soiled diapers cause diaper rash. To help prevent the rash, change your baby's diaper as soon as it gets wet. Apply a protective coat of Epizyn with each diaper change. Epizyn can be effective on multiple forms of dermatitis.


Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is a very common skin condition that appears as somewhat greasy, crusted, scaly patches on the baby's scalp. It usually occurs during infancy and usually isn't reddened or tender. Cradle cap should disappear within a few months without treatment. Periodic shampooing and applying Epizyn to loosen scales should help clear this condition faster. If cradle cap persists or seems severe, your doctor may suggest a medicated (antifungal) shampoo.



If your infant has eczema (atopic dermatitis), you may first notice light red or tannish-pink patches of rough scaly skin. The patches later become red. Your baby may seem restless and irritable due to itching. Occasionally, the rash begins to ooze and crust over. A skin infection may follow.

In some infants, the rash can be traced to diet or a change in formula. Sometimes, the offender may be a laundry detergent, strong soap, fabric such as wool or excessive perspiration during hot weather. Typical treatments include identifying and avoiding the irritant, avoiding extreme temperatures, and using bath oils, lotions, creams or ointments to lubricate the skin. We recommend using Epizyn since it can be a quick, effective, and painless treatment for your infant.


Infant Acne

Infant acne, consisting of whiteheads mainly on the face, usually appears during the first several months of life and can last a year or more.

To manage infant acne, wash your baby's face daily with mild, non-irritating and non-drying soap. If your baby as a severe case of acne, ask your doctor to recommend a safe medication such as Epizyn.

Jon West
Jon West


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